Sunday, June 17, 2012

5 Attitudes That Destroy Your Marketing

When it comes to growing your business, there are hundreds of marketing and sales strategies you can use - from direct mail and networking to social media and cold calling. And these techniques are easy to learn and implement. But at the end of the day, it's not the strategies you choose, but the attitude you have that will make or break your efforts.

Don't let these five attitudes hold you back.
Perfectionism. Waiting for everything to be just right before you act causes you to do nothing. The perfect marketing piece, script, commercial, fan page or website won't help you grow if they remain on your desk or 'in the works'. Something that is 80% perfect and implemented now will do a lot more to help you grow. You'll also learn from doing and can perfect it along the way.
I'm Not Creative. Some of the best marketing (the kind that gets sales) comes from the heart - not from agencies. It's compelling and conversational. As a small business, you actually know your customers - you see them, speak with them and most of all understand them. Demonstrate this through your marketing in a tone that is personal and speaks to their needs. If you are still struggling, look at what others do to get your attention - tweak it to make it your own.
Fear of Rejection. What is the absolute worst thing that can happen if you pick up the phone, stop by a business or mail a letter to a prospect? They can say NO or throw away your letter. It's not personal and it's a numbers game. But every NO puts you closer to a YES - so keep plugging away and don't let your fears hold you back.
I Don't Have Time. As business owners, we're all busy. But when things are important, we learn to make the time for them. We make time for our families, customers and employees because they are important to our business and life. If you want your business to grow, marketing and sales are very important, so make the time to work on them - even if it's only 15 minutes a day.
I Don't Want to Look Bad or Pushy. Okay nobody likes to be perceived as pushy - but persistence is a key to success. It would be great if every prospect we spoke with bought on the spot - but that rarely happens. It typically takes five or more contacts to create a sale. So if you give up after one or two tries to avoid looking pushy, you miss out on a lot of opportunities. Don't hound prospects morning, noon and night, but consistent follow up and a little persistence can go a long way.

1 comment:

  1. May this simple thank you convey my grateful heart. May I add all glory to the All Knowing Wisdom.
